The Lovers of Sgwd Gwladus

Continuing with featuring tales of Myths and Legends in this Welsh year of legends, we recall the tail of the lovers of Sgwd Gwladus.....

The tale hales from Waterfall Country in the Brecon Beacons National Park, and more specifically  the River Pyddin at Pontneddfechan. There falls a water called Sgwd Gwladus named so after Gwladus, a beautiful maid said to be one of the twenty-four daughters of Brychan of Brycheiniog, a 5th century King.

Gwladus fell in love with a young man called Einion but their union was not allowed by her father because of Einion’s lowly birth. Broken with grief Gwladus’ sadness became so overwhelming it myseriously turned into a secluded pool into which her spirit poured in the form of a waterfall. Distraught at losing his love Einion threw himself into the river and was transformed into the waterfall Sgwd Einion Gam. Now their spirits flow together as one and their union is complete.

This extract was taken from Legends of the Brecon Beacons Colouring book that can be purchased here:

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